
The goal of EcoReFibre is to develop and demonstrate innovative demos for environmentally sound and commercially viable recycling of end-of-life fibreboards, which currently have no commercially viable recycling methods. To achieve this goal EcoReFibre has organised the work to be carried-out in 5 Work-Packages:

  1. Optimise and demonstrate an efficient sorting technology for the separation of fibreboard and solid wood from post-consumer wood waste (European Waste Catalogue (EWC) streams 17 & 20).
  2. Provide actors in the value chain with accurate predictions of future waste fibreboard volumes in Europe for the next 20 years.
  1. Develop and demonstrate industrial thermo-hydro-mechanical processing technologies to recover secondary materials from sorted waste fractions.
  2. Determine the quality of secondary materials for use in a variety of products and for optimisation of the processing technologies.
  1. Demonstrate at industrial scale the valorisation of secondary materials from WP2 into novel improved products for furniture and building construction: particleboards, biocomposites, fibreboards, and insulation products.
  2. Determine the performance of these products to steer and optimise the manufacturing process and settings.
  1. Identify environmental, economic and social impacts of products made from secondary materials against current reference products.
  2. Identify environmental, economic and social impacts of new recycling pathways against current waste management scenarios.
  3. Make recommendations for improving economic profitability as well as environmental and social relevance of the Demos and further industrial developments.
  1. Ensure broad dissemination of results and data by proactive communication towards important target groups and market actors engaged with the project.
  2. Prepare and deliver effective exploitation of results and support partners in IP management, business planning, commercialisation, and develop a sectorial roadmap and policy recommendations.
  3. Foster networking and outreach activities towards policy stakeholders, committees, clusters and other R&I initiatives,
    including international interested parties and standardisation working groups.
  1. Coordinate scientific, technical, administrative and financial activities throughout the project
  2. Establish a Steering Committee, an Executive Board and an External Advisory Board