ESB Poster presentation during GDR Bois 2022

The Ecole Supérieure du Bois (ESB) participated in the annual scientific meeting of GDR Bois hosted by the CEPAM in Nice, France. GDR Bois started its activity in 2012 and is supported by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA).

Flore Lebreton is a new PhD student working at ESB on the EcoReFibre project. She presented a poster about ESB team’s first results.

Her thesis work, supervised by Mark IRLE, Christophe BELLONCLE and Julia BUCHNER, will determine the current and predict the future availability of waste fibreboard in Europe and characterise the fibres it contains with a view to their subsequent re-use.

Such information is needed to help convince stakeholders to invest in the project’s technologies. The work presented in the poster is concerned with understanding how much fibreboard is in the current wood waste stream.

Have a closer look at her poster below